Module Processing (.ml)

module Processing: sig .. end
A simple task manager. It enables the registration of the options and the control of what has to be done by the program.


type task_name = string 
type process_type = task_name 
type process_types = process_type list list 
type process_data 
type process_datas 
type process = {
   input_type : process_type list list;
   output_type : process_type;
   code : process_types * process_datas ->
process_type * process_data
type task 
type options = (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list * Arg.anon_fun 
val register : task_name ->
options ->
task_name list list -> ('a -> 'b) -> (unit -> bool) -> unit
val is_task_traced : task_name -> bool
val get_registered_tasks : unit -> task_name list


val execute : default_start:task_name ->
default_end:task_name -> usage:string -> unit
val debug : string -> unit