Module MiniKindInferencer (.ml)

module MiniKindInferencer: sig .. end
This module provides a simple inference engine for the kinds of the Mini type system.

The language to infer the kind on.
type t 
Internal kind representation.
type env = (MiniAst.tname -> t) *
(MiniAst.tname -> t -> unit)
The kind inference engine uses an environment implemented by two functions (get, add).
val fresh_kind : unit -> t
fresh_kind returns a fresh kind for a type.
val infer : env -> MiniAst.typ -> t
infer env typ infers a kind for typ.
val intern_kind : env -> MiniAst.kind -> t
intern_kind env kind internalizes a kind in the user-syntax.
val check : Positions.position ->
env -> MiniAst.typ -> t -> unit
check pos env typ kind verifies that typ can be given the kind kind.
val star : t
star is the kind of ml values.