
(*  Mini, a type inference engine based on constraint solving.            *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2006. François Pottier, Yann Régis-Gianas               *)
(*  and Didier Rémy.                                                      *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *)
(*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *)
(*  the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.               *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but   *)
(*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *)
(*  General Public License for more details.                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *)
(*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           *)
(*  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA         *)
(*  02110-1301 USA                                                        *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* $Id: miniTypingExceptions.ml 421 2006-12-22 09:27:42Z regisgia $ *)

open MiniAst
open MultiEquation
open Positions

module Algebra = MiniAlgebra

(** This module provides the typing exceptions for the Mini language. *)




(** UnboundTypeIdentifier is raised when an unbound type identifier is found. *)

exception UnboundTypeIdentifier of position * tname
(** InvalidTypeVariableIdentifier is raised when a type variable is overwriting a type constructor. *)

exception InvalidTypeVariableIdentifier of position * tname
(** UnboundDataConstructor is raised when a constructor identifier is used although it has not been defined. *)

exception UnboundDataConstructor of position * dname 
(** InvalidDataConstructorDefinition is raised when a data constructor scheme is not legal. *)

exception InvalidDataConstructorDefinition of position * dname

(** UnboundTypeVariable is raised when a variable identifier is used although it has not been defined. *)

exception UnboundTypeVariable of position * tname 
(** MultipleLabels is raised when the user has built a record with two fields with the same name. *)

exception MultipleLabels of position * lname
(** NonLinearPattern is raised when at least two occurrences of a variable appear in a pattern. *)

exception NonLinearPattern of position * name
exception NotEnoughPatternArgts of position

exception InvalidNumberOfTypeVariable of position

(** This exception is raised by unify when a system of equations is found to be unsatisfiable. *)

exception CannotUnifyHeadWithTerm of position * tname * crterm
(** CannotGeneralize when the type of an expression cannot be generalized contrary to what is specified by the programmers using type annotations. *)

exception CannotGeneralize of position * crterm

exception NonDistinctVariables of position * (variable list) 
(** This exception is raised when a match is not complete. *)

exception NonExhaustiveMatch of position * pattern
exception UnboundIdentifier of position * tname

exception UnboundTypeConstructor of position * tname

exception KindError of position

(** RecursiveDefMustBeVariable is raised in case of bad formed recursive value definition. *)

exception RecursiveDefMustBeVariable of position 

(** InvalidDisjunctionPattern is raised when the subpatterns of a disjunction pattern do not bind the same variables. *)

exception InvalidDisjunctionPattern of position
(** PartialDataConstructorApplication is raised when a data constructor's arity is not respected by the programmer. *)

exception PartialDataConstructorApplication of position * int * int